
... do you know anyone who has not recently experienced joint pain? It could be knee pain from running 50 miles a week, back pain from a 20-year-old work injury, or osteoarthritis from age. Unfortunately, the answer is probably no, because in reality most of us put a lot of stress on our muscles and joints with little to no effort in maintenance. Scientifically we know that our bodies begin to age or degenerate beginning somewhere between 15 and 21 years of age. Most of our nutritional foundation needs to be consumed and built before those ages. After that, our main defense against “falling apart” is to simply do our best at preserving optimum levels. Let’s compare our bodies to buying a new vehicle. Right off the store, the first few months of ownership come with renewed pride and little obligation. Outside of a little gas and wash, our cars are maintenance free. However, it doesn’t take long before the oil needs to be changed, the tires need to be rotated and on it goes until the car reaches an age and condition where the maintenance costs may outweigh the investment of a new car. If we do not heed the advice and warning to continue regular maintenance, the vehicle soon falls apart prohibiting its function and purpose. Like parts on a car, if our joints lose enough nutrition and oxygen simultaneously experiencing stress, abuse and neglect, we feel stiff and sore and are prone to injury often leading to rehabilitation and possibly surgery. Sadly, we don’t always have the option of trading in body parts or putting in an order for a customized new one, that’s were prolozone therapy can help.
Prolozone is a natural regenerative therapy used for any kind of joint pain or injury. Due to the nature of ozone, it can work synergistically with the body, providing nutrition and oxygen supply to a specific area or joint. We know that the main cause of degeneration or aging is lack of nutrition and oxygen. This can be caused due to deficit, or it can be caused by poor circulation since red blood cells are responsible for transporting nutrition and oxygen to a given tissue. As with any living organism, if necessities of life are not available, they die. Can we stop the aging process, no; but can we slow it down and make it more enjoyable, absolutely! Prolozone therapy is a natural, non-surgical, and minimally invasive treatment made of two parts. The first part of the procedure adds the nutrition back into the injured area (i.e., vertebrae, ligament, tendon, muscle, connective tissue, joint space, etc.). This is done by injecting a syringe of liquid vitamins and minerals into the area. Among this solution of vitamins and minerals are homeopathic which aide in the control of inflammation and swelling allowing better circulation. Obviously, this is vital to the delivery and assimilation process. The second part of the process is really where the miracle happens. The ozone is given soon after the vitamin and homeopathic solution, infiltrating the area and spreading the solution further than an injection alone can carry it. Picture this like blowing air on a fire. This is truly magnificent as the treatment becomes far-reaching; covering well a particular area to not only impact the bone structure (joint) itself, but also all the muscles, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and tissues surrounding and attached to it. What does this mean for you? This provides more healing capability with fewer needles. The combination of these two elements causes the proliferation, regeneration, and rebuilding of new ligament and cartilage tissue in areas where they have become weak and unstable.

Clinical experience shows that the average degenerated, or injured joint will need between 3 and 5 injections ideally over several months if needed. We generally expect 15-25% or MORE improvement each time. Your improvement may come in the way of decreased pain level, mobility, flexibility, ability, or loss of popping or grinding. Regardless, we expect change from treatment to treatment.
In order to create a successful and simple injection, just prior to coming to the office for Prolozone treatment we ask that you eat a meal high in protein. Please wear loose clothing enabling easy access to the joint for treatment.
You are not limited in your activity after receiving prolozone injections; however, it would be wise to listen to your body and ease into any activity. Please refrain from activities to which you are not accustomed. Driving or going back to work immediately following a prolozone treatment is usually a non-issue.
How do I schedule?
Please call (808) 378-2400 to schedule. Since the initial treatment will require a consultation with our medical provider the cost for consultation is $50.00 and then the prolozone treatment itself is $70.00 per injection site. Treatment time varies between 15 mins to 30 mins depending on location and quantity of sites needed. When calling into the clinic please mention the area(s) you are looking to treat. Aloha!